• John's mother, Erma Louise Deutschendorf Davis, dies after a longer illness on  January 17th  in Denver at the age of 87.

  • We have made the final decision - our anniversary newletter to celebrate the 30th birthday of the club in early 2011  will be our final printed edition. It was not an easy decision to take, but keeping in mind that it becomes harder and harder to fill up the newletter, we are convinced that it it the right thing to do.

  • Or course we will once again send more news via our Email Newsletter Service at the same time.

  • You can find our club now on Facebook as well:
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/johndenverclub/-- please don't wonder about the strange name of the club founder -- "John Denver Club" or "music and communication" we not accepted by Facebook unfortunately... :-D

  • The Memorial Plaque in Pacific Grove has now been set up

  • After several announcements, the CD "Live in Cedar Rapids" is finally actually released.

  • An audio book about  John is released in Germany -- more info in this press release:

    Please note that the book is mainly in German...

  • The project "John Denver and more" is launched -- target is to bring Memorial Concerts to Germany some time in the future

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